
How To Get Rid Of Tachinid Flies

If you spy a fly buzzing around your garden and sipping nectar from your plants, y'all should probably give him or her a tiny high v. You owe a surprisingly big thank you to that fiddling guy. If it's lapping nectar from a blossom, at that place's a very good take chances that fly is a tachinid fly, which is the world's largest and most of import group of parasitoidal flies. Yes, that means that tiny fly is a big-time helper to you and your garden. Let me innovate the ii of you – I'thousand sure you'll be best buds before yous know information technology.

What is a tachinid fly?

I used the word "parasitoidal" in the paragraph in a higher place, so I judge I should start by telling you lot what that means, but in case you don't already know. If you're familiar with the term "parasite" then you'll exist a quick study. Parasites are organisms that live off of some other organism, whom we call its "host." There are tens of thousands of different parasites in this world, some animal, some found, and some fungal. In the beast kingdom, examples of human parasites would be ticks or lice or tapeworms (ack!). Those fleas your dog had final summer are parasites, likewise. A parasite leaves its host alive. A parasitoid, on the other mitt, is a lot similar a parasite except that it brings eventual expiry to its host (***insert sinister wing express mirth here).

Boltonia is a great plant for supporting beneficial insects.
This footling fly deserves a big high five for the work it does in your garden.

Yep, that's right. That little fly you just high fived in your garden is a natural born killer. Except its host isn't human. Depending on exactly which species of tachinid fly you came across, its host could be a geranium budworm, a corn ear worm, a stink problems, a squash bug, a Japanese beetle, or whatever number of other mutual garden pests.

Tachinid flies fall squarely into the category of beneficial insects when it comes to the office they play in our gardens. Simply it isn't the developed fly that'due south the harbinger of death. Instead, it's the larval fly. The baby wing, if you will. But before I share the fascinatingly gory details on how that works, I want to tell you what tachinid flies look like so you'll know exactly who to high five.

What does a tachinid fly look like?

At that place are over 1300 unlike species of tachinid flies in Due north America lonely. Worldwide, in that location are at least 10,000. In that location's a huge diversity of physical appearances amidst all of those species. Developed tachinid flies measure anywhere from 1/3″ to 3/4″ long. Their coloration, body shape, and texture vary profoundly too.

Some tachinid fly adults are gray and fuzzy and look almost exactly similar a housefly. Others are iridescent blue/green like a blow fly. There are chubby and cerise tachinid flies, and species that are slender and black. Some are covered with bristly hairs while others are smoothen. Which is all to say that each species has its own unique appearance. Merely, one piece of cake way to tell them autonomously from houseflies is that adult tachinid flies drink nectar and houseflies generally practise not (they much prefer feces and poop and picnic food!). If you see a fly on a blossom sponging up nectar, there's a very proficient chance you're looking at a tachinid fly.

Learn how to ID a tachinid fly
Tachinid flies are very diverse. The plumage-legged fly in the upper left paradigm is one of the showier species.

Tachinid fly lifecycle

An important place to start when it comes to understanding the tachinid fly lifecycle is the knowledge that each species of tachinid fly tin only apply either a single species of insect equally its host or a closely related group of host insects. They are highly specialized parasitoids. In other words, a species of tachinid fly that uses a squash issues equally its host will probably not besides be able to lay eggs on a tomato hornworm. Some species are more than specialized than others for sure, just they've all coevolved with a specific host (or set of hosts, as the case may be). This is why having a diversity of tachinid wing species in the garden is a very proficient affair! It also means that tachinid flies WILL NOT lay eggs on humans or our pets, so no worries nearly that!

Harlequin bugs are controlled by some species of parasitic flies.
A tachinid fly is virtually to lay an egg on a harlequin bug. Harlequin bugs are huge pests of cole crops, especially in the southern Usa. Photograph courtesy of: Whitney Cranshaw, Colorado State University,

I promised you the gory details of how these wing friends help us gardeners, so here goes. Almost female person tachinid flies lay their eggs on the bodies of host insects. They're easy to spy on the backs of their hosts (see photos below). The female fly simply lands on its host and sticks eggs to information technology – singly or in small groups. The egg hatches a few days after, and the tiny fly larva burrows down into the host and starts feeding on it. Host insects continue to alive with the larval fly growing inside. In some cases, the larva doesn't reach maturity and kill the host until the host reaches adulthood, only death always comes to the host – that'due south what a parasitoid is, afterwards all.

A few other species of tachinid flies lay eggs on plants that are being eaten past their host insect. When the host insect takes a seize with teeth of the leafage, they also ingest the egg. You tin can guess what happens from in that location.

Squash bugs with tachinid eggs
Here you tin can run into tachinid wing eggs on the backs of squash issues nymphs. They'll soon hatch and the larvae will burrow downwardly into the squash problems. Photograph credit: Whitney Cranshaw, Colorado State University,

How do tachinid fly larva plow into adult flies?

Once the wing larva reaches maturity, it'due south gear up to pupate into an adult fly. Sometimes this happens within the expressionless torso of its host, simply most of the time pupation occurs but after the larval fly (called a maggot – I know, gross!) emerges from its now-dead host. Information technology wriggles off or burrows down into the soil to form a pupal case (cocoon) and morph into an adult, but as a caterpillar changes to a butterfly. The adult fly pops the peak off its cocoon and flies off to offset another generation of garden helpers.

Understanding the life-stages of tachinid flies helps you be a better garden steward
Hither y'all see a single tachinid fly larva and 2 pupae from which adult flies will soon emerge.

What kind of garden pests to tachinid flies help united states of america manage?

As you know now, there are over 10,000 species of tachinid flies in the earth, which ways of course that there are a huge number of host insects, too. Some of the nigh common host insects include:

  • Corn ear worms
  • Tobacco budworms
  • Cutworms
  • Japanese beetles
  • Mexican bean beetles
  • Colorado white potato beetles
  • Caterpillars of many kinds (including cabbage worms, gypsy moths, hornworms, cabbage loopers, tent caterpillars, and many more than — see notation below about tachinids and butterfly caterpillars)
  • Sawfly larvae
  • Iv-lined found bugs
  • Harlequin bugs
  • Lygus bugs
  • Foliage-footed bugs
  • Squash bugs
  • Cucumber beetles
  • Earwigs
  • And lots more!
Japanese beetles are one of many garden pests managed by tachinid fly parasites.
Japanese beetles are ordinarily used every bit a host insect for some species of tachinid flies. This one is hosting a single egg just backside its head. Photo courtesy of Whitney Cranshaw, Colorado State University,

Tachinid flies and butterfly caterpillars

Equally good every bit they are for the garden, tachinids have gotten a bad reputation among folks who raise monarch caterpillars and other butterflies. Yes, tachinid flies will lay eggs on butterfly caterpillars if they are a host insect for that species. They're not evil or awful for doing so. They're just doing what they evolved to do, and they are an important part of the ecosystem. They deserve to exist here just as much as the butterfly does. Simply because tachinid flies aren't a pretty covergirl of the insect world, doesn't mean they don't have a valuable part to play. Yeah, it's disappointing to raise a monarch caterpillar but to see the chrysalis turn into brown mush instead of turning into a beautiful butterfly, just if you've ever seen a National Geographic wildlife special, you know that's how nature works. Plant more milkweed to encourage a greater population of monarchs.

If you find a chrysalis that'southward turned to brown mush, instead of cursing the tachinid fly responsible for it, call up nigh how amazing it is that a momma wing laid an egg on a teeny tiny caterpillar. And how amazing information technology is that that caterpillar continued to grow right along with the fly larva housed inside its body. Shortly you'll meet the larval fly drop out of the butterfly chrysalis, course a pupal case, and then emerge as an adult. Actually, information technology's a transformation that'due south just as amazing and miraculous as the butterfly's.

Monarch chrysalis that's been parasitized by a fly
This monarch chrysalis isn't going to plough into a butterfly. Instead, its brownish mushy advent tells me it'south hosting a tachinid fly larva.

How to encourage tachinid flies in your garden

All adult tachinid flies require nectar, but they don't sip this sugary goodness from just any flower. Their mouthparts are like sponges, not straws, so skip the deep, tubular flowers. Opt instead for tiny flowers with shallow, exposed nectaries. Members of the carrot family unit are particularly expert, including fennel, dill, parsley, cilantro, and angelica. The daisy family is another nifty selection for supporting tachinid flies. Plants like feverfew, boltonia, chamomile, Shasta daisies, asters, yarrow, heliopsis, and coreopsis are nifty picks.

Discover more about the beneficial tachinid fly and how to draw it to your garden.
This cute niggling tachinid wing is nectaring on a feverfew blossom in my Pennsylvania yard.

Provide tachinid flies with a diversity of nectar-rich flowers and they'll exist more than happy to help yous out in the garden. And all they ask in return is for you to eliminate pesticides so there will be enough of host insects effectually for their egg-laying needs… oh, and they'd likewise exist appreciative of the occasional high 5.

For more about beneficial insects in the garden, option up a re-create of my book, Attracting Beneficial Bugs to Your Garden: A Natural Approach to Pest Control (2nd Edition, Cool Springs Printing, winner of the 2015 American Horticultural Club's Book Award) or my book Adept Bug Bad Problems (St. Lynn's Printing, 2011 2nd ed).

You can besides read more than almost beneficial insects in these articles:
v surprising facts nigh ladybugs
The blackness and yellowish garden spider
The all-time plants for beneficial insects
Build a pollinator palace
How to help our native bees
Mutual garden bees and how to ID them

Take you ever come across a tachinid fly in your garden? Did yous know what information technology was? Share your experience in the comment section below.

Pivot information technology! The Tachinid Fly: A beneficial insect in the garden.


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